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 wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ;

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{Kanou Hide}
Kanou Hide

 here since : 24/01/2016
 avatar : jeon jungkook ; bts
 bitchtalk : 205
 points rp : 66
 âge : 28
 mood : shitty.
 lovemeter : single and not ready to bingle.
 rôle : hunter.
 weapon : sniper (m98b)
 happy hour : wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Tumblr_nyy9zqkF9a1uapq5bo1_500

We find our way as we go. We might get lost, wander for a bit and then find a new way. But that’s the charm of life, you never know what’s ahead. So don’t over think it; just go with the flow.

wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 _
MessageSujet: Re: wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ;   wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Empty25.01.16 14:26

hmm si tu veux je peux commencer, j'espère que tu m'en voudras pas si c'est short tho ;;
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{Wang Kayden}
Wang Kayden

 here since : 24/01/2016
 avatar : kunpimook bhuwakul (bambam ; got7)
 bitchtalk : 28
 points rp : 4
 âge : 26
 lovemeter : grblbl.
 rôle : citizen.

wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 _
MessageSujet: Re: wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ;   wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Empty25.01.16 14:32

naan tkt pas, vas y. wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 2108071186
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{Kanou Hide}
Kanou Hide

 here since : 24/01/2016
 avatar : jeon jungkook ; bts
 bitchtalk : 205
 points rp : 66
 âge : 28
 mood : shitty.
 lovemeter : single and not ready to bingle.
 rôle : hunter.
 weapon : sniper (m98b)
 happy hour : wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Tumblr_nyy9zqkF9a1uapq5bo1_500

We find our way as we go. We might get lost, wander for a bit and then find a new way. But that’s the charm of life, you never know what’s ahead. So don’t over think it; just go with the flow.

wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 _
MessageSujet: Re: wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ;   wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Empty25.01.16 14:45

je ne t'ai point demandé mais, tu veux un endroit particulier ou je le fais juste dans une ville au hasard. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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{Wang Kayden}
Wang Kayden

 here since : 24/01/2016
 avatar : kunpimook bhuwakul (bambam ; got7)
 bitchtalk : 28
 points rp : 4
 âge : 26
 lovemeter : grblbl.
 rôle : citizen.

wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 _
MessageSujet: Re: wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ;   wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Empty25.01.16 14:57

fais le où tu veux. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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{Kanou Hide}
Kanou Hide

 here since : 24/01/2016
 avatar : jeon jungkook ; bts
 bitchtalk : 205
 points rp : 66
 âge : 28
 mood : shitty.
 lovemeter : single and not ready to bingle.
 rôle : hunter.
 weapon : sniper (m98b)
 happy hour : wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Tumblr_nyy9zqkF9a1uapq5bo1_500

We find our way as we go. We might get lost, wander for a bit and then find a new way. But that’s the charm of life, you never know what’s ahead. So don’t over think it; just go with the flow.

wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 _
MessageSujet: Re: wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ;   wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Empty25.01.16 15:55

je l'ai fait dans ton lit. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
jk mais c'est là, n'hésite pas à me signaler si quelque chose ne va pas, je changerai tout de suite. here.

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{Wang Kayden}
Wang Kayden

 here since : 24/01/2016
 avatar : kunpimook bhuwakul (bambam ; got7)
 bitchtalk : 28
 points rp : 4
 âge : 26
 lovemeter : grblbl.
 rôle : citizen.

wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 _
MessageSujet: Re: wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ;   wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Empty25.01.16 15:58

ohoh. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
je vais lire de ce pas. sinon une petite question, tu as skype ? ce sera plus simple. ~(comme ça on arrête de flooder par ici ueheh)
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{Kanou Hide}
Kanou Hide

 here since : 24/01/2016
 avatar : jeon jungkook ; bts
 bitchtalk : 205
 points rp : 66
 âge : 28
 mood : shitty.
 lovemeter : single and not ready to bingle.
 rôle : hunter.
 weapon : sniper (m98b)
 happy hour : wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Tumblr_nyy9zqkF9a1uapq5bo1_500

We find our way as we go. We might get lost, wander for a bit and then find a new way. But that’s the charm of life, you never know what’s ahead. So don’t over think it; just go with the flow.

wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 _
MessageSujet: Re: wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ;   wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Empty25.01.16 16:08

tellement que j'ai skype, je t'envoie un mp de suite. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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{Do Tae Shi}
Do Tae Shi

 here since : 01/02/2016
 avatar : giriboy (Hong Si Yeong)
 bitchtalk : 37
 points rp : 3
 âge : 34
 mood : scared
 lovemeter : 0%
 rôle : citizen, pseudo docteur
 weapon : none
 happy hour : wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Tumblr_o0ajyvnxxV1tk1c1uo2_500

wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 _
MessageSujet: Re: wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ;   wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Empty02.02.16 15:45

il nous faut un lien, entre civil  wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 330990231
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{Wang Kayden}
Wang Kayden

 here since : 24/01/2016
 avatar : kunpimook bhuwakul (bambam ; got7)
 bitchtalk : 28
 points rp : 4
 âge : 26
 lovemeter : grblbl.
 rôle : citizen.

wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 _
MessageSujet: Re: wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ;   wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Empty02.02.16 15:48

owi. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) tu veux quoi du coup ? du positif, du négatif ? tu as une idée ?
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{Do Tae Shi}
Do Tae Shi

 here since : 01/02/2016
 avatar : giriboy (Hong Si Yeong)
 bitchtalk : 37
 points rp : 3
 âge : 34
 mood : scared
 lovemeter : 0%
 rôle : citizen, pseudo docteur
 weapon : none
 happy hour : wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Tumblr_o0ajyvnxxV1tk1c1uo2_500

wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 _
MessageSujet: Re: wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ;   wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Empty02.02.16 16:08

je crois que ça ne peut être que positif ♥️
Ils sont colocataires, pour le reste, je viens un peu en touriste pardon wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 1132091907  mais je finis souvent par avoir des pistes.

je te fais un peu le topo : Tae est médecin, et un grand trouillard. Il est au camp depuis sa création et n'est plus jamais sorti depuis. Il ne sait pas se défendre, il se ferait bien trop vite bouffé. Il panique rapidement en présence des rôdeurs, mais à l'intérieur, il vit sa vie tranquillement sans se soucier de ce qu'il passe en dehors.

Du coup... je les imaginais faire leur vie tranquille, avec les problèmes basiques de la coloc, malgré qu'ils soient dans un monde aussi...chaotique? wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 4206273649 Ou la nuit quand il entendrait des bruits dans la maison, il rappliquerait pour le réveiller? >> Même si il sait pas se défendre, pas plus que lui hum ...
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{Wang Kayden}
Wang Kayden

 here since : 24/01/2016
 avatar : kunpimook bhuwakul (bambam ; got7)
 bitchtalk : 28
 points rp : 4
 âge : 26
 lovemeter : grblbl.
 rôle : citizen.

wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 _
MessageSujet: Re: wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ;   wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Empty02.02.16 16:55

c'est mignon, j'aime bien, ahah ! j'imagine limite des scènes de ménage trop cons entre colocs, alors que dehors c'est l'apocalypse. wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 2161333706
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{Do Tae Shi}
Do Tae Shi

 here since : 01/02/2016
 avatar : giriboy (Hong Si Yeong)
 bitchtalk : 37
 points rp : 3
 âge : 34
 mood : scared
 lovemeter : 0%
 rôle : citizen, pseudo docteur
 weapon : none
 happy hour : wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Tumblr_o0ajyvnxxV1tk1c1uo2_500

wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 _
MessageSujet: Re: wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ;   wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Empty02.02.16 17:09

alors on garde ça ! wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 2161333706
rah ouais, les deux seuls gars du camp à vivre leur vie comme avant le virus wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 1132091907
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{Contenu sponsorisé}

wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 _
MessageSujet: Re: wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ;   wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ; - Page 2 Empty

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wang kayden + they call you crybaby, so you laugh through your tears ;

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